Thursday, February 02, 2006

Turtle Soup...Yum, Yum??


When in Rome...visit The Coliseum. When in China...well, try turtle soup (among many other things).

Of the handful of the more questionable Chinese delicacies yours truly has tried over the past months, (arguably) none have been more questionable then the recent experience with turtle soup. While the broth itself was admittedly not all that bad, the contribution of the turtle in this dish is uncertain, to phrase it ephemistically. Turtle soup, however, is a popular dish in China with a long tradition.

The only part of the turtle where meat is found is on the rather bony arms and legs. So when one finds a little claw sticking out of ones soup bowl, one can be certain they have struck gold - even if what visual appeal the dishes holds basically vanishes. Crunch, cruch, crunch - enjoy!!



Anonymous said...

I think I would stil want to try it

Anonymous said...

This is terrible. The turtle that was used was most likely illegally caught and endangered. See for more info.